AnterraBI AR Collections Training

AnterraBI AR Collections Training

Accounts Receivable Widgets

When you first log in to the system, the widget dashboard will be your default home page.  At any time you can go to Home > Dashboards & Widgets to access the dashboard.

 Dashboards & Widgets dashboard

Adjusting Parameters

-          When you are on the dashboard, you can adjust the various parameters to reload the data based on the available filters by either searching using the top section or manually selecting just below it:

o   Consolidation Group

 adjust the various parameters

o   Project Manager

                        adjust the various parameters

o   Job

adjust the various parameters 

o   Date (note: this works for month-end dates or today’s date)

 adjust the date parameters

-          The widgets then refresh based on the adjustments you made to the parameters

widgets refresh

Drilling down

You are able to drill down to get more detail on any of the items that are blue, underlined or a data-point in a graph.  It will take you to the related grid, and pass all of the filtered parameters based on the view that you drilled on.

drill down

Reviewing Your AR Aging in the Grid

You can navigate to the grid by drilling from the widget, or by going to the report on your menu.

navigate to the grid

Drilling Down

On the grid you can drill on the invoice number to get the line item detail transactions

drill on the invoice number
drill down mode

Changing Parameters

On the grid view, you can adjust the grid to only review data for an individual company/division, project manager, or an individual job by adjusting the parameters on the top of the grid:

Changing Parameters

Adding/Removing Columns from the View

You can add or remove available columns from your view by selecting the 3-dots icon on any column.  Anything that has the blue check next to it is visible in the view.  When it is unchecked then it is not yet visible on the view, and checking the box will add it to the grid.

add or remove available columns

Filtering the Data

In order to filter the grid you can select any column and apply filters.  In the example below we will select any invoice with an aging balance greater than or equal to 40,000.

filter the grid 

Grouping by Columns and Subtotals

In order to group and subtotal by any of the attribute columns, you can click and drag that column into the column grouping section.

 click and drag columns

You will then see subtotals at the bottom of each grouping.

view subtotals

Creating Saved Views

Adjustments to parameters, grouping, sorting, column widths, and filters can then be saved into views.

 save views

You can give the grid any name, pick a default loading date, and save the grid to use later.

 name the grid

You can select any saved view to toggle between by picking from the dropdown in the top right, and select the grid view.

select saved views

Collapsing Grid into a Pivot Table

You can use the grid to see only the subtotals, similar to grouping within an excel pivot table, by selecting the “Collapse Pivot Table” checkbox

 collapse grid

Exporting to Excel

In addition to the options of grouping and subtotaling within the grid, you can also export to Excel.

 export to excel

The export has a pre-built pivot table that you can work with, as well as a data tab with all of the raw data from the grid

rpe-built pivot table

AR Collection Notes and Action Items

Creating a note / action item

In order to create an action item or collection activity note, you can select the icon in the “Action Item” column

create note or action item


You will then get a pop-up where you can enter in a new action item, or see the history of action items for this invoice

enter new action item
add new note

-          Note 1:

o   If you are documenting a collection step taken, select today’s date, which is the default

o   If you are scheduling a future action, then this is the requested action date

-          Note 2:

o   This is the action type (ex: “Collection Call”, “Collection Email”, etc.)

o   This list can be customized, please see section: AR Action Item Types Customizations

-          Note 3:

o   By default your username is the assignee on any action item

o   You can assign any action to any Anterra user set up in your site

-          Note 4:

o   If you are scheduling out an item to be completed, you would select “Open”

o   If you are reporting on a collection action taken, select “Closed”

-          Note 5:

o   By default, Anterra closes all open action items when the invoice is paid in your system

o   You can remove this selection if you want an action to remain open even when paid

You will then be able to save the action item, and the grid will refresh with your latest action updates

grid refreshes actions

Viewing the Calendar

Now that you have saved an action item, you can now review it on a range of different views to help you manage the collection activity.  You will find these views in the action item menu. To get a detailed review of the calendar click the 'Viewing the Calendar" title above to open that KB.

Customer Hub

The Customer Hub shows all open invoices for a customer.  You can create/update promised payment date and action items for multiple invoices at a time. To access the customer hub add the Customer Hub column to any view in the AR Invoice grid in Finance, Construction or Service Management.
Customer Hub shows all open invoices

Customer Hub opens and shows all open invoices for your customer.

open invoices view
The Customer Hub lets your AR Collectors create or update AR Action items for multiple invoices at a time.  You also see
- The aged accounts receivable balance
- The customer average days to pay by invoice type.  This helps you see if invoices are behind the customer’s normal payment time and may help identify customers that need to be put on C.O.D.
- The AR Collection Item Notes and Invoice Details when 1 invoice is selected


You can set up Customer Contacts in Anterra.  Some of our clients set up customer contacts on the customer record in their AR Module. We can sync these AR Contacts or import if you have that information outside of your ERP.  You also have the option of setting up and maintaining AR Contacts in the Customer Hub:

Customer Contacts can be set up with the following fields:
customer contacts in hub

Payment Promise Date

In the current environment, being able to report based on when your customers said they would pay you can help you to manage cash flow.  We added a field to enter the Payment Promise Date directly on the Customer Hub.
enter promise date

When you click “Update selected invoice(s)” it will update the date on the customer record, and also update the field on the aging grid.
Update selected invoice

If you would like to report on AR with promised payment dates simply create a view that filters the Payment Promise date column to “is not empty”.  If you want to report on overdue promised payments filter the column “Days to Promise Date” to < 0.

Invoice Images

Anterra can load PDFs of your AR invoices from your server.  The only requirement is that the PDF file name contains the invoice number.  Please contact us at to set up this feature, there is an annual support charge for the hosting and synchronization as well as setup of Invoice Sync.  

Once synchronized you will see blue PDF images beside each invoice.  Note that we can display multiple PDF’s per invoice number, examples include updated or corrected invoices and quotes:

Clicking on the PDF icon shows the files that are available, clicking on a file opens the PDF in a new tab:

Emailing Customers

There are 2 ways to email customer contacts – using your email client like Outlook or using Anterra to send invoice information from Customer Hub.

If a contact has an email address you will see an envelop icon on the right side, clicking on the envelope opens a new email from your email client, typically Outlook.

using Outlook or using Anterra

If you select one or more invoices in the customer hub, then select one or more contacts the “E-mail Selected Contacts” button is activated.
E-mail Selected Contacts

This opens Anterra’s email template hub.  You can build emails and save templates using fields from Anterra.

build emails and save templates

Previewing the message shows you what your customer will see:
Previewing the message

When you click “Send” in the bottom right your email will be sent from Anterra, your customer will see your first name and last name as the sender.  If you customer replies to the email your email address fills in the reply to address.

Invoice images are shown to your customer when they click on the links, they can download the image as needed.

AR Action Item Types Customizations

The AR Action item type is customizable.  You need to have administrator access in Anterra to customize the list.

If you are an Admin go to this menu:
AR Action item type is customizable

 Select AR Action item by clicking on the number of Sub Types.

click Sub Types

You can add, edit, delete or reorder Action Item Types in the pop up grid.

dd, edit, delete or reorder Action Item Types


Support Contact Information

If you have any support needs or questions regarding the software, please contact for assistance

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