When you first log in to the system, the widget dashboard
will be your default home page. At any
time you can go to Home > Dashboards & Widgets to access the dashboard.
When you are on the dashboard, you can adjust
the various parameters to reload the data based on the available filters by
either searching using the top section or manually selecting just below it:
Consolidation Group
Project Manager
Date (note:
this works for month-end dates or today’s date)
The widgets then refresh based on the
adjustments you made to the parameters
You are able to drill down to get more detail on any of the
items that are blue, underlined or a data-point in a graph. It will take you to the related grid, and
pass all of the filtered parameters based on the view that you drilled on.
You can navigate to the grid by drilling from the widget, or
by going to the report on your menu.
On the grid you can drill on the invoice number to get the
line item detail transactions
On the grid view, you can adjust the grid to only review
data for an individual company/division, project manager, or an individual job
by adjusting the parameters on the top of the grid:
You can add or remove available columns from your view by
selecting the 3-dots icon on any column.
Anything that has the blue check next to it is visible in the view. When it is unchecked then it is not yet
visible on the view, and checking the box will add it to the grid.
In order to filter the grid you can select any column and
apply filters. In the example below we
will select any invoice with an aging balance greater than or equal to 40,000.
In order to group and subtotal by any of the attribute
columns, you can click and drag that column into the column grouping section.
You will then see subtotals at the bottom of each grouping.
Adjustments to parameters, grouping, sorting, column widths,
and filters can then be saved into views.
You can give the grid any name, pick a default loading date,
and save the grid to use later.
You can select any saved view to toggle between by picking
from the dropdown in the top right, and select the grid view.
You can use the grid to see only the subtotals, similar to
grouping within an excel pivot table, by selecting the “Collapse Pivot Table”
In addition to the options of grouping and subtotaling
within the grid, you can also export to Excel.
The export has a pre-built pivot table that you can work
with, as well as a data tab with all of the raw data from the grid
In order to create an action item or collection activity
note, you can select the icon in the “Action Item” column
You will then get a pop-up where you can enter in a new
action item, or see the history of action items for this invoice
Note 1:
If you are documenting a collection step taken, select
today’s date, which is the default
If you are scheduling a future action, then this
is the requested action date
Note 2:
This is the action type (ex: “Collection Call”,
“Collection Email”, etc.)
This list can be customized, please see section:
AR Action Item Types Customizations
Note 3:
By default your username is the assignee on any
action item
You can assign any action to any Anterra user
set up in your site
Note 4:
If you are scheduling out an item to be
completed, you would select “Open”
If you are reporting on a collection action
taken, select “Closed”
Note 5:
By default, Anterra closes all open action items
when the invoice is paid in your system
You can remove this selection if you want an
action to remain open even when paid
You will then be able to save the action item, and the grid
will refresh with your latest action updates
Customer Hub opens and shows all open invoices for your
There are 2 ways to email customer contacts – using your email client like Outlook or using Anterra to send invoice information from Customer Hub.
If a contact has an email address you will see an envelop icon on the right side, clicking on the envelope opens a new email from your email client, typically Outlook.
This opens Anterra’s email template hub. You can build emails and save templates using fields from Anterra.
Select AR Action item by clicking on the number of Sub Types.
If you have any support needs or questions regarding the software,
please contact support@anterratech.com for assistance