In AnterraBIā¢, consolidation groups can represent organizations, entities, divisions, regions, departments, etc. You may group as many of these different organizations together and/or separately as necessary for reporting and analyzation purposes.
Consolidation Groups are accessed from the Admin menu; navigate to "Consolidation Groups" and "Consolidation Group Mapping".
The top Consolidation group will appear on the left side of the screen. You may select the Drop-down arrow to the left of the top consolidation to expand to the next level.
You may also select the "Expand All" button to see all levels of the consolidations.
Expanded Version below:
The amount of "Unmapped" organizations and the amount of organizations that are not in the top consolidation group is displayed in the upper left-hand side of the screen.
"Unmapped to Default" displays consolidations that are not mapped (grouped) to the main or default consolidation group.
"Excluded" displays consolidations that have specifically been excluded so as not to display as "Unmapped".
Consolidations may be "Excluded" by checking the box in the "Unmapped" Consolidations view.
"Show All" displays all consolidation groups contained within AnterraBIā¢.
To map a consolidation, select the consolidation on the right side of the screen, and drag it to the correct location on the left.
Consolidation now mapped is shown below
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