Data Processing Notifications

Data Processing Notifications

The Anterra Platform can be setup to notify you via e-mail after the latest data from your ERP arrives and progresses through our data processing pipeline. This article explains what each of the available notifications are and how to manage those notifications through Anterra.

Available Notifications

available notifications
This diagram illustrates the flow of data from your ERP to when it is available in the Anterra Platform.

Processing Job Queued

This notification is sent when new data has been received by Anterra and we have queued your data processing. Expected to occur within 15 minutes of receiving new data from a client unless data was received in the last two hours or within the client’s configured cool-down period, whichever is longer.

Processing Job Started

This notification is sent when we have started the processing of your new data. This also includes any custom processing that has been added to your system. By default our processing involves all of your data, however with coordination we can configure mid-day syncs to only process certain aspects of your data (GL, AP, AR, JC) to reduce the processing time and make updated information accessible on the platform more quickly.

Processing Job Succeeded

This notification is sent when we have successfully completed the processing of your new data and it is now available in the Anterra Platform. The next time you various features of the Anterra Platform they may take a little longer since the new data has to be fetched, filtered based on your particular security, grouped, sorted, and have your filters applied to it from scratch.

Processing Job Failed

This notification is sent when Anterra encounters a problem with processing the data we received. Anterra is automatically notified about these events as a high priority (P0) and resources are immediately assigned to identify and attempt to correct the issue. While these issues are rare, we often find that unexpected changes by a 3rd party (such as a consultant) working on your data directly is the root cause.

Configuration Notifications

Once logged into the Anterra Platform, click on your name at the top right of the interface and choose E-Mail Management as shown below:

e-mail management
A dialog will appear where you can place checkboxes indicating which data processing notifications you wish to receive by e-mail.
Notifications can only be sent to the e-mail address associated with your Anterra account.
email  notifications
Enabling these notifications for cloud-based ERP systems, such as Acumatica, can result in a large number of notifications due to the frequency data is processed.

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