Initial Install for Acumatica Customization Project

Initial Install for Acumatica Customization Project

Install Customization Project

Acumatica's integration with the Anterra Platform requires the installation of a customization project. You can download and install Anterra's latest Acumatica customization project using the steps below.

How to import the via Upload

  1. Download the latest version here
  2. Login to your Acumatica instance
  3. Navigate to the Customization Projects screen (SM204505)
  4. Click the IMPORT button above the grid
  5. When prompted with the  Open Package  window click the  Choose File  button
  6. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the ZIP file and select that file
  7. Click the UPLOAD button
  8. The AnterraBI customization project should now be visible
  9. Proceed to Publish Customization Project below
The version of the customization project installed is shown in the  Description  column

Publish Customization Project

Publishing the customization project will briefly cause any users logged into Acumatica to be logged out and require them to relogin, this can be done independently of the steps above.
  1. Place a checkmark next to the AnterraBI customization project (be sure all existing customization projects checkmarks are unchanged)
  2. Click the  PUBLISH  button
    publish customization project
  3. Compilation  window will appear which will show the progress of deploying the customization project, proceed to the next step when the  Publish  button appears
  4. Click the  Publish  button to finish

Setup Secure Connection between Anterra and Acumatica

Make sure you have received your invite to setup your Anterra account and successfully logged in before proceeding.
  1. Inside Acumatica go to the Connected Applications (SM303010) screen
  2. Click on the magnifying glass to the right of the  Client ID  field, if you see  AnterraBI double-click on it and proceed to step 6 , otherwise click the X to close the popup and proceed to the next step
  3. Type AnterraBI in Client Name
  4. Choose Authorization Code in the OAuth 2.0 Flow dropdown
  5. Click the  Save Icon 
  6. Copy the value after the @ symbol in the Client ID to the clipboard to be used in step 7 below
  7. Click on the REDIRECT URIS tab and add BOTH of the following:
    2.{Value After @ Symbol from Step 6}/
  8. Click the  Save Icon 
  9. Click the  SECRETS  tab, then click  ADD SHARED SECRET
    secrets tab
  10. In the  Add Shared Secret  window, type  OAuth  in the  Description , leave  Expires On  blank, and copy the  Value  to the clipboard
  11. Click  OK  then click the  Save Icon 
  12. Leave the Acumatica tab/window open and login to the Anterra Platform  as a user with the  Acumatica  role in a new tab/window
  13. Go to the Authorize Acumatica Integration interface (usually under Admin > UI Administration)
  14. Paste the value from the clipboard into the Client Secret
  15. From the Acumatica Connected Applications screen copy the full value from the Client ID field and paste it into the Client Id field on the Anterra  Authorize Acumatica Integration
  16. Lastly, place the URL to your Acumatica instance in the  URL to Acumatica field
  17. Finally click the Authorize Now button
  18. Once you see the following screen, click the Yes, Allow button (leave all checkmarks checked)
    allow permission
Your integration is now complete, please click here to create a ticket with Anterra to let us know you are ready to proceedIt will take Anterra approximately one business day to perform the initial data load and your implementation team will reach out when Anterra has completed it's validations.
Alert The URL should start with  https  and end with the last slash in the URL, e.g.:

Confirm Appropriate Access Rights

The following steps are required when the service account created for Anterra is not a member of the System Administrator role.
  1. Login to Acumatica
  2. Open the Access Rights by Screen (SM201020)
  3. Expand the Anterra section on the left side
  4. Click on the next item in the list to show the roles on the right side
  5. Assign the Delete access right in the Access Rights column for the appropriate role that the Anterra service account has been assigned
  6. Repeat from step 4 for each of the items in the Anterra section
  7. When done click the Save icon (#4 below)
confirm access rights

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