Collapsing Consolidation Groups
We’ve had collapsing consolidation groups in Pivot Grids for a while. We’ve expanded this feature into Anterra Statement Builder financial statements and Dashboards.
Collapsing Consolidation Groups in Statements
Consolidation groups now have collapsing arrows in Anterra Statement Builder. Dropping down the Consolidation Group parameter shows you collapsed groups, you can expand any group to see its children organizations.
Searching for a company or division name now shows you where the item found is in the organization hierarchy: Here is a search for a division name containing “service” – the results show you exactly where the divisions are located:
Collapsing Consolidation Groups on Dashboards
Consolidation groups now have collapsing arrows on your dashboards, expand any group with the arrows to the left of the title:
Like statements and pivot grids you can search for organizations:
Anterra Statement Builder
Company-Specific Cascading Logos for Financial Statements
We’ve added the ability to set up logos for each level of your Consolidation Groups, This was requested by clients with Companies and Divisions that operate as separate businesses with their respective logos.
Management of logos has moved from Anterra Statement Builder individual statements to Consolidation Group Mapping. If you want to add logos to statements and you don’t see this menu (shown below) please contact your company’s Anterra administrator.
We’ve added a grid to assess the impact of unmapped accounts on your financial statements.
If you click on Update, Anterra when you have unmapped accounts a new popup appears. A link in the popup will open a grid showing entries for the unmapped accounts. It’s always best to map all accounts in Anterra as new accounts were likely opened for a specific reason and will have entries soon.
AR Collections Payment Promise Date
We’ve expanded AR Collections with the
capability to track payment promise date by invoice.
- Select the “Customer Hub” Icon from the AR Invoice Grid.

- Inside the Customer Hub, select invoice(s), and enter a payment promise date, click on the button “Update Selected Invoices” to set the Payment Promise Date, the date shows in the far right column of the invoice grid:

- The AR Invoice Grid has 2 new columns:
- Payment Promise Date
- Days To/From Payment Promise Date
- You can create views that filter on the Days to / From Payment Promise date to determine:
- Invoices and total dollars that have payment promise dates (Days to / From not equal to Null)
- Invoices
past their payment promise date (Days to / From) < 0

Added MTD Cost to WIP Profit by Month
We added a new column to the WIP Profit by Month report – MTD Cost.

Your WIP Profit by Month Report might be located in Reports to Test > Construction > Monthly WIP Profit.
You can rearrange your menus under Admin > Menu Administration, simply move an item into a new location on the left side of that screen.
Contact support if you need assistance.
The Monthly WIP Profit report is run over a range of months and now shows Earned Revenue, MTD Cost, and WIP Profit for each month in the date range selected in the report parameters.
- Invoices with images attached and will appear with a dark blue icon in the “Original Amount” Column. Invoices without linked PDF Images will be gray. Click on the icon to view links to images. Note that multiple images can be accessed for the same AR invoice – i.e., the invoice and a signed quote.

- Click on the invoice or the quote to view the PDF.

contact us to discuss how we can connect to a data folder on your server and the file naming requirements. There is a small fee for hosting and supporting invoice images.
Bug Fixes
8730: Filters on the AR Invoice grid do not work without removal
and reapplication
8872: Widget hover overs and drill-downs not working
8887: Percent complete Construction Widget shows incorrect
8975: Delete statement in ASB not working
8997: Date adjustment on Project Gantt Chart does update
Upcoming Features
You may see some new items under Reports to Test we are nearing completion of:
- Integration of Anterra AdHoc Reporting powered by Amazon QuickSight
- Job Gross Margin Forecasting using Job S Curves
These features are part of our next major release, v27, which will be available in May 2021.
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