Publishing AdHoc Dashboards to Anterra Menus

Publishing AdHoc Dashboards to Anterra Menus

Making AdHoc Analysis Available to Viewers

In Anterra's AdHoc (powered by Amazon QuickSight), only dashboards are available to viewers. Creation of a dashboard starts by creating analysis which uses one or more datasets to present information, then publishing that analysis to a dashboard. Once published, the dashboard needs to be made available to users and can then be added to menus in Anterra. The steps below explain how to accomplish this step-by-step.
You must must have an AdHoc authoring license and have permission to access Anterra's Menu Administration tool to complete the following steps.

  1. Click Home from the top menu
  2. Choose the Anterra AdHoc™ sub-menu
  3. Click AnterraBI Adhoc Authoring to launch AdHoc
  4. Select and open the analysis that you wish to publish
  5. Click on the PUBLISH icon at the top right to open the Publish a dashboard window
  6. For a brand new analysis that is being published for the first time, enter what you want end-users to see the dashboard called. If you're re-publishing an analysis that has new updates, the Replace an existing dashboard should be automatically selected, and the dropdown will contain dashboards that have come from this analysis.
    NOTE: You can decide which sheets as well as other various options that apply to end-users that are using this dashboard by expanding the Advanced publish options
  7. Click Publish dashboard to make the dashboard available within AdHoc for yourself.
  8. Check that your dashboard functions the way you intend for the users you plan on offering it to.
    NOTE: You can publish multiple instances of a dashboard from the same analysis with different advanced settings for different sets of users.

Controlling Permissions

For dashboards that don't contain information you consider particularly sensitive where you intend to make it available to a wide set of users (e.g. anyone that is an AdHoc Author + particular roles within Anterra) you should use the steps titled Company-Wide Permissions below. However, if you want to ensure that only a subset of your AdHoc Authors and users have access, please refer to the Fine-Grained Permissions steps below.

Company-Wide Permissions

Company-Wide permissions allows you to easily set the permissions of a dashboard to be available to anyone in your organization as long as they either have the item on their menu in Anterra (viewers) or have access to AdHoc administration.
The following instructions assume you are logged into Anterra and are within AdHoc Administration.
  1. From the dashboard you want to make available, click the share icon at the top right

  2. Type in your company's name which will automatically populate a group that automatically contains all of your AdHoc users.
    NOTE: Because viewers don't have access to AdHoc administration, they will not be able to "see" the dashboard you've made available until it is added to the menu in Anterra. It is at that point where you can leverage Anterra's menu security to determine which role should have access to the dashboard.
  3. Click on the Add drop down
  4. Generally it is recommended that you select Viewer. If you want the dashboard to be updatable by any other AdHoc admin in your organization then select Co-Owner.
    NOTE: You can also type the e-mail address(es) of other AdHoc users in your organization to give specific individuals access.
  5. Go to the Menu Administration section below to add this item to the Anterra menu for users.
The instructions above are for sharing dashboards, however sharing functions in a similar way for datasets (using Manage permissions) and analysis (using File > Share from within the analysis) as well.

Fine-Grained Permissions

Fine-Grained Permissions allows you to configure specific folders within AdHoc which give the users who have access to those folders, access to items placed within those folders.  This allows for a more fine-grained control of access as well as following best-practices of managing those permissions in a centralized place (on the shared folders) rather than on each shared item.

Setting Up Fine-Grained Permissions

This process is required to adjust which adhoc users within your organization have access to the content placed in each folder.
The following instructions assume you are logged into Anterra and are within AdHoc Administration.

  1. Click on Shared folders on the left-side navigation
  2. You should find a folder named the same as your company, click on that folder (not shown in screenshot)
  3. If you don't see a folder that meets your needs, and you have appropriate access, you can click the New button to create a folder with a name of your choice and the members you would like to have in that folder.
  4. Click the ellipsis to the right of an folder to adjust the permissions of an existing folder
  5. Click the Share option to open the dialog allowing you to add individuals to a folder
  6. On the add dialog, you can click the Manage folder access button to see / adjust existing access (not shown)
  7. In the Manage folder access dialog, there is a checkbox that allows you to Show inherited permissions which would be those that came from the company-level folder and are set by Anterra during your implementation.
Permission Guide:
Can see and use any of the items placed in the folder, but cannot place items in the folder themselves.
Same as viewer, but can also place items in the folder, but cannot change who has access to the folder or create sub-folders.
Can perform all actions including changing folder permissions and creating sub-folders.

Applying Fine-Grained Permission to an Item

This is how you go about sharing a dataset, analysis, or dashboard using folders.
The following instructions assume you are logged into Anterra and are within AdHoc Administration.

  1. Find the Dashboard, Analysis, or Dataset you wish to share -- there are several ways to do this:
    1. Search by name using the search box at the top
    2. Click on Dashboards on the left-side navigation
    3. Click on Analysis on the left-side navigation
  2. Click the elipsis next to the item you want to add to a folder
  3. Click Add to folder
  4. Expand Shared folders and any additional levels required
  5. Select the folder / level you wish to make the selected item available at and click the Add button
  6. Go to the Menu Administration section below to add this item to the Anterra menu for users.

Menu Administration

This step allows you to publish any dashboards you've created in AdHoc to menus in Anterra for AdHoc Viewers to access.
These menu items will automatically be restricted from any user who does not have an AdHoc viewer or author license, however the most restrictive permissions set between Anterra and Anterra AdHoc will always be applied. This can result in an item that is on a menu showing an access restricted message.
You must have the appropriate role in Anterra to access Menu Administration.
Menu Administration may be in a different menu location in your instance of Anterra, if you're not sure where to look, use the magnifying glass icon at the top right of Anterra to search for Menu Administration Tool

  1. Open the Menu Administration Tool from Admin > Menu Administration > Menu Administration Tool
  2. When properly logged in as an AdHoc author, you should see a toast message that indicates that the dashboards from AdHoc where successfully synchronized:
  3. Expand the menu group you want to place a dashboard in
  4. Click on the sub-group you want to place a dashboard in
  5. Expand Actions on the right side
  6. Choose Add Child Menu Item
  7. Filter to AdHoc dashboards using Role = 'Anterra Adhoc Viewer'
  8. Select the dashboard you want to add to the menu and click Select
  9. The name of the menu item will default to the name the dashboard was given but can be changed to anything you prefer.
  10. You can also add a description which is shown under the name in the menu to give users additional context.
  11. By default the item would be available to anyone who is an AdHoc Viewer, to further limit the access expand the Security section and add a Menu Role.
IdeaFor full details about using menu administration, refer to Menu Administration Overview

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